Damaged Chair Caps? Budget Issues? No Problem! We have your Chair Cap to Protect Your Floors

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Damaged Chair Caps? Budget Issues? No Problem!

We have your Chair Cap to Protect Your Floors

An affordable solution is only a click away! LCS Products has a universal, economical, felt-based cap, designed to simply snap over your existing chair cap glides. These caps fit a broad array of institutional-type chairs.

Don’t waste time removing old, worn-out chair caps. These caps readily install over your current caps, saving you time and toil! And, with the addition of our installation tool, fitting these new caps is even easier and they are guaranteed to stay in place.

The caps’ felt base enables chairs to glide easily, silently and streak-free, across classroom floors. In recognition of the beginning of, yet another, school year, these fabulous caps are on sale and ready to ship. Simply check out our website for current pricing or call our offices today, toll-free at 1-877-775-2122.

Start the year off right. Education should be priority #1; not your damaged floors!