Save Your Floors! Use Snap-N-Loc® caps - Patented & Unique Product

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Riddle of the Day: What has four legs and no feet and two arms but no hands?

Hopefully, you came up with the correct answer – a chair!

Save Your Floors!  Use Snap-N-Loc® caps - Patented & Unique Product

Chairs may not be something you think about a lot, but it is the central preoccupation of our business. Actually, not just chairs….CHAIR CAPS. LCS Products carries and sells a wide array of chair caps and glides intended to extend the lives of your furniture and floors.

In particular, our patented designed Snap-N-Loc® caps are unique in the industry, and heartily approved by maintenance departments throughout the U.S.Not only are they durable and long-lasting, but they are a cinch to install and require no tools or expert technicians.

They are a one-piece unit connected by a hinge. The top half locks over the original glide shaft. The bottom half contains the felt and hinges perfectly to contain the metal or nylon bottom of your chair glide. When you snap and lock the two halves together, an encapsulated Felt Glide Cap is created that locks in place permanently and is tamper-proof - a unique feature not found on any other glide!

A step-by-step guide can be found on our website at complete with instructions and visuals. They only take seconds to install, but add years of life to your floors and save you hours of time that would have been spent cleaning, mopping and scrubbing your floors.

A big plus is that, once installed over worn-out chair tips, our caps never need replacing again – only replace the felt tips. The attached SuperFelt® pads will function for many years and can simply be replaced without removing the glide cap. No other product can offer this remarkable option. 

A quick word about SuperFelt® - SuperFelt® is an exclusive proprietary product built in our own factories. No other product compares - SuperFelt® doesn't absorb liquids which aids in preventing mold formation!  A truly unique product.  Why use felt that will need to be replaced in a short period of time? SuperFelt® has been designed specifically for long life and lasting chair and furniture performance, and is impervious to water, oil and most chemicals.

Our Snap-N-Loc chair caps with SuperFelt® will also eliminate noise from sliding chairs (teachers love it!) and keep floors clear from scratching or marring and damaging vinyl floor surfaces.  Our felt will even provide a polishing effect when sliding on vinyl or hard floor surfaces. Our caps will not interfere with the normal movement and full operation of the glide or chair, and the chairs are fully stackable with the caps in place!

Check out these Snap-N-Loc® caps on our website at or call us at 1-877-775-2122 for more information.