Snap-N-Loc - Fingers Only Required

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Snap-N-Loc® - Fingers Only Required

Safety usually leads to a peace of mind…

In today’s litigious and cost-conscious society, most school administrators would prefer that, as part of their job description, their teachers should not be required to wield hammers while replacing and banging in new chair caps on the end of their students’ chairs.  We want to keep our teachers from risking injury, right?

Time and time again, however, school administrators, in an effort to reduce the cost of stripping, cleaning and waxing the floors, choose to replace their chair caps with a more effective product, but lack the necessary tools to install them safely and efficiently. Our most popular chair cap, the Snap-N-Loc®, doesn’t even require an installation tool. They snap on with ease. Only fingers required!

Proper installation tools are available for all of our chair cap glides and covers (excluding our patented Snap-N-Loc® which require NO tools). No hammers necessary which, by the way, is the easiest way for anyone to hurt themselves, as most chair caps aren’t manufactured to be clobbered with flat, heavy metal devices. 

Using tools for installing chair caps can be laborious and painful, especially when handling thousands of chairs. LCS Products, Inc. sells three different tools that are safe and easy to use for installation.  Instead of taking a hammer and slamming each piece on, we have created these tools for a simple press-in fit that doesn’t harm the chair cap, chair or the person putting them on!

Keeping our customers safe, as well as saving them money, is vitally important to our business.