The Original Patented Glide Cap with Stipples – A First of its kind!

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Who was the first to bring the Glide Cap with Stipples to protect school floors? We were! We began our journey to protect floors from being marred and scratched over 20 years ago. At that time, we partnered with Glides & Casters; a Florida company that began after its president retired from Virco Chair Corporation and began a new career in helping schools protect their floors.

After a few years, we purchased Glides & Casters and began direct sales to schools. Since then we have continually improved our products, and have retained multiple patents on due to our unique designs.

LCS Products has sold millions of caps to thousands of schools in the US and Canada. Our Glide Cap with Stipples is a creative design that allows the chair to safely navigate the floor without causing damage. The stipples extend the life of our product extensively while decreasing the amount of contact the chair makes to the floor. This helps the glide last a very long time. These caps are very inexpensive and easy to install. We manufacture our original Stipple Chair Glide in our factories. We are 100% Made-in-America.

We are proud of our country and hope you will consider us for your flooring needs. Call for your free sample today as we look forward to helping you.